Practical info: Dog recreation areas and beaches | Basque Country with your dog | Basque Country Tourism

Dogs recreation areas and beaches

Practical info for website 'The Basque Country with a dog'

After an intense day exploring around cities and towns of the Basque Country, your dog will thank you if you look for moments and spaces where it can run free and play with other dogs. To do so, different municipalities have defined and prepared a series of fenced-off spaces for them to run and play.

On this page you'll find the main dog recreation areas (or txakurgunes as they are called here) and beaches on which your dog can run freely.

Remember that in the case of journeys with dog breeds catalogued as potentially dangerous, in general, access to these areas is restricted for them


Bilbao City Hall has prepared recreation areas for dogs in parks, signposted and with established timetables, in which dogs can run free (without a lead) keeping in mind the following criteria:

  • The owners or those accompanying the animals comply with all the terms of the regulations regarding keeping animals, especially the points referring to the collection of excrement and permanently keeping the animals under control.
  • Dogs catalogued as potentially dangerous CANNOT use these areas.
  • Each recreation area in the park in signposted with informative panels.

Opening hours

Winter (from November to May): from 19:00 to 11:00.

Summer (from June to October): from 20:00 to 11:00.

Parks in Bilbao containing recreation areas for dogs are:

  • Amézola Park
  • Azoka-Zorroza Park
  • Casilda Iturrizar Park
  • Encarnación Park
  • Eskurtze Park
  • Etxebarria Park
  • Europa Park
  • Ibaieder Park
  • Miribilla Park
  • Sarriko Park

More details here


Dogs can run free in the following peri-urban parks between 18:00 and 12:00:

  • Miramón
  • Lau Haizeta
  • Otxoki
  • Ametzagaina
  • Ulia
  • Urgull: winter from 18:00 to 12:00. / Summer from 19:00 to 10:00.

Likewise, there are established recreation areas in all neighbourhoods. You can find details of all areas on this map.

If you dog belongs to one of the breeds considered potentially dangerous, you should never let it loose or go without a muzzle.

In these recreations areas, you must also control your dog and collect its excrement.

Throughout the rest of the city, you must always keep your dog on a lead.

More details here


Dogs, except those catalogued as potentially dangerous, which must always be kept on a lead, can be set free only in green areas, with the exception of:

  • Cathedral Park
  • Garden areas of the University Campus (except the María de Maeztu gardens)
  • Del Prado Park
  • De la Florida Park (including the Secret Water Garden)
  • Areas included in Natura 2000 Network: Salburua, Zadorra, Robledales Isla of the Álavan Plain and Highlands of Vitoria.

More details here

Information about txakurgunes or recreation areas for dogs in other municipalities:



The autonomous community and municipal legislation in the Basque Country prohibits access to beaches in bathing seasons/schedules, but you can enjoy long walks with your dog during the rest of the year or at night in summer on the following beaches. Consult the beach panels to see whether dogs are allowed to run free or must be kept on a lead.

This map shows the different beaches allowing access with dogs at some point of the year, together with its policy and a link to more information about the beach and its regulations:

View map


From 16 September to 14 June:

  • Hondarribia Beach (Hondarribia)
  • Itzurun Beach (Zumaia)

From 1 October to 31 May:

  • Arriatera-Atxabiribil Beach and Barinatxe Beach - La Salvaje (Sopela)
  • Meñakoz Beach (Sopela - Barrika)
  • La Arena Beach and Ziérbana Beach (Ziérbana)
  • Górliz Beach (Górliz)
  • Bakio Beach (Bakio)
  • Laga and Laida Beach (Ibarrangelu)
  • Karraspio Beach (Mendexa)
  • Alkolea, Ondarbeltz, Mutriku and Saturraran Beaches (Mutriku)
  • Aritzatxu Beach (Bermeo)
  • Santiago and Lapari Beach (Deba)
  • La Concha, Zurriola and Ondarreta Beaches (San Sebastián)

From 1 October to 30 April:

  • Isuntza Beach (Lekeitio)
  • Ogeia Beach (Ispaster)

From 13 October to the beginning of Easter Week:

  • Plentzia Beach (Plentzia)
  • Laidatxu and Hondartzape Beach (Mundaka)
  • Zarautz Beach (Zarautz)

From 15 October to the beginning of Easter Week:

  • Gaztetape and Maikorbe Beach (Getaria)

From 1 November to 30 April:

  • Ea Beach (Ea)


From 1 October to 30 April from 18:00 to 11:00:

  • Ereaga, Arrigunaga and Las Arenas Beach (Getxo)

From 1 October to 31 May from 22:00 to 09:00:

  • Arrigorri Beach (Ondarroa)


You can go on the following beaches during bathing season with your dog as long as it is on a lead and you heed the restrictions regarding dates and times shown.

From Easter Week to 1 October. From 21:00 to 06:00:

  • Antilla Beach (Orio)

From Easter Week to 12 October from 21:00 to 06:00:

  • Plentzia Beach (Plentzia)
  • Zarautz Beach (Zarautz)
  • Laidatxu and Hondartzape Beach (Mundaka)

From Easter Week to 14 October from 21:00 to 06:00:

  • Gaztetape and Maikorbe Beach (Getaria)

From 1 June to 30 September from 20:00 to 9:30am:

  • Arriatera-Atxabiribil Beach and Barinatxe Beach - La Salvaje (Sopela)
  • Meñakoz Beach (Sopela - Barrika)

From 1 June to 30 September from 20:00 to 11:00:

  • Aritzatxu Beach (Bermeo)

You can see more practical information by clicking here.